Her jewels not only evoke the transience of life and the eternity of beauty, but also remind us that dreams and goals can be within our reach.

The night sky of the beaches of Cádiz
For dreams to come true

En Perseidas, the names chosen for each of the pieces that make up the collection have been those of the beaches of the province of Cádiz, among others, Caleta, Victoria, Bolonia, Zahora or Roche, since it is usually in these places where family and friends They gather to see these shooting stars and ask them to fulfill all their wishes.

Perseidas: a true statement of style, confidence and power

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The tourmalines symbolize the brilliance and incandescence of the shooting stars that cross before us through the firmament.

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Rose gold represents the majesty of the cosmos, and the sparkles and luminosity of brilliants

Perseidas. The new jewelry collection Gordillo. The new jewelry collection Gordillo, Perseidas, is inspired by the most anticipated meteor shower every summer, which takes place in the middle of August. Consisting of eight rings, some earrings and a choker, its pieces are made of 18-karat rose gold, diamonds and tourmalines of different colors. In this way, it easily adapts to the different tastes and preferences of today's woman. This astronomical phenomenon, also known as tears of San Lorenzo, is reflected in each jewel in the collection through the exquisite selection of materials with which it has been created. In this way, rose gold represents the majesty of the cosmos, and the sparkles and luminosity of diamonds and tourmalines symbolize the brilliance and incandescence of the shooting stars that cross before us in the sky. The night sky of the beaches of Cádiz. So that dreams come true. In Perseidas, the names chosen for each of the pieces that make up the collection have been those of the beaches of the province of Cádiz, among others, Caleta, Victoria, Bolonia, Zahora or Roche, since it is usually in these places where family and friends They gather to see these shooting stars and ask them to fulfill all their wishes. Jewelry that defies tradition. Elegance and modernity. The jewels of the collection Perseidas They have been meticulously designed to harmoniously combine elegance and modernity, to captivate the hearts of all those who want to express their style and personality with high jewelry pieces that transcend convention and defy tradition. The lines and geometric shapes of each jewel have been delicately sculpted and set with the best diamonds and the best tourmalines to enhance the natural beauty of whoever wears them and to capture all the looks around them. Dazzle with magic, shine and color. Simulating the trail left by shooting stars as they pass through the sky, as well as some of the geometries of constellations such as Cassiopeia or Pegasus, close to that of Perseus, the collection Perseidas It becomes a true statement of style, dazzling with magic, shine and color. By wearing these jewels, a feeling of confidence and power is subtly evoked, allowing each person to leave their mark with every step they take and feel more confident when it comes to making their dreams come true. Therefore, the collection Perseidas it becomes the perfect companion for the path of life, inspiring those people who take it to express themselves with originality and shine with their own light. Versatility for any occasion. The versatility of the jewelry in the collection Perseidas lies in the opportunity it offers when it comes to being combined with different outfits, both for special occasions and for everyday wear. Your rings can become those pieces of jewelry that you can never part with because they make you feel comfortable and secure, or wear them on certain occasions to give them all the prominence they deserve on a night with friends or a special celebration, such as a wedding or anniversary. . The earrings illuminate the face and add a touch of elegance to the look, and the choker turns a simple dress or blouse into glamorous pieces of clothing. Because the pieces of Perseidas They express with ingenuity and subtlety the personality and style of the wearer, making them shine and stand out at every moment. The Perseidas They are a meteor shower that occurs every year in the month of August. This astronomical phenomenon is known for its beauty and spectacularity. For several nights, the sky is illuminated by the fleeting glow of the Perseidas, leaving a trail of amazement and wonder in those who witness them. The Perseidas, also called Saint Lawrence tears, are caused by the remains left by the Swift-Tuttle comet. As Earth passes through this comet's orbit, dust and ice particles burn up as they enter Earth's atmosphere, creating an unforgettable celestial spectacle. It's exciting to think about the Perseidas, as they remind us of our position in the vast universe and the ephemeral beauty of life. Every year, thousands of people gather in dark places far from light pollution to admire this phenomenon. The wait can be long, but when the first Perseidas They cross the sky, the magic begins. The rain of Perseidas It is a reminder of the vastness of the cosmos and our own smallness in comparison. As we watch those fleeting glimpses, we feel connected to the universe and marveled at its greatness. It is a time to reflect on our place in the world and appreciate the ephemeral beauty that surrounds us. The Perseidas They teach us the importance of appreciating the small moments in life, since, like these meteors, they are also temporary. In a world full of rush and worry, stopping to look up at the sky and witness the dance of the Perseidas It can be a transformative experience. So, every August, when it's time for PerseidasDon't forget to look for a dark place away from the city lights. Take a moment to appreciate the ephemeral and repetitive beauty of these celestial flashes. Let us allow the Perseidas They inspire us to find the magic in the everyday and remind us that we are part of something much bigger. The Perseidas They are waiting to illuminate our hearts and our minds!